A review published in the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy reports that, "The large evidence of high-quality trials supports the effectiveness ofhomeexercise programs with and without supervised clinic-based exercises in the rehabilitation ofknee OA."
The fact that this review has found large amounts of high-quality trials supporting exercises is no surprise. In fact, exercise continues to be an essential part of clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of arthritic conditions as well as many other health conditions as well. Seeing as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that as many as 1 in 2 people in the United States may develop knee arthritis by age 85, the importance of an effective home program cannot be overlooked. That statistic is very scary! I mean, just look around, chances are either you, or the first person you see may develop knee arthritis, and that doesn't even take into account the other joints of our bodies. Active lifestyles help keep our bodies going.
In addition, try some Organic Sulfur, a natural supplement that's been shown to support overall joint health.
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